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Da Israele a tutte le donne Diana Bletter col suo nuovo The Loving Yourself Book for Women

Si chiama “The Loving Yourself Book For Women” ed è il nuovo libro, in uscita il 28 maggio, di Diana Bletter, scrittrice americana di stanza in Israele dove da anni tenta la strada del dialogo e dell’amicizia tra donne cristiane, ebree, druse, arabe…

Ne ha dato notizia lei stessa con un post dal suo blog.

Attendiamo questa sua nuova opera dopo A remarquavle kindness.

Diana, laureata alla Cornell University, vive in un paesino del nord d’Israele, ha sette figli di cui uno adottato dall’Etiopia, ha scritto vari testi e romanzi, parla yddish, ebreo, italiano, francese, spagnolo oltre all’americano con cui condisce la sua pronuncia in tutte queste lingue. POer io libro lei scrive queste indicazioni:

The book is a practical guide, drawn from my own life experience, to help empower and better our relationship with ourselves, boost our self-confidence, and become the women we were always meant to be. (Minus all that crappy self-doubt and those mean voices in our head.)

🌟 Pre-order your copy today. It’s at a discounted price for friends and family -)) so you can be one of the first to dive into this transformative journey:

The paperback version will be available soon!

Join the Loving Yourself Movement. Together, let’s spread the message of self-love and make a positive impact on this world starting from within. 💫


May be a graphic of text that says 'TH THE LOVING @ YOUR LOV BOOK WOI YOURSELF BOOK FOR WOMEN A Practical Guide to Heal Your Inner Child CELEBRATE TH WOMAN YOU Self-Estem, Self- A Practical Guide to Boost Heal Your Inner Child and CELEBRATE THE WOMAN YOU ARE DIANA RACHEL BLETTER AWARD- WINNING AUTHOR. DIANA RACH'

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