Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

Jo Cox uccisa dall’odio dei seguaci di First Britain, legati all’Ukip di Farage, il gruppo xenofobo alleato di Grillo all’Europarlamento

Uccisa per il suo impegno tra gli immigrati e perché dicxva che Brexit non avrebbe risolto la richiesta dei migranti, perché oltre metà dei richiedenti asilo in Gran Bretagna provengono da fuori Europa.

Britain First, il nome della squallida organizzazione xenofoba che si batte per Brexit, è stato il grido dell’assassino della giovane parlamentare inglese laburista, Jo Cox, di soli 41 anni.

Britain First è anche l’organizzazione che si è offerta di fare scudo al leader di Ukip, Nigel Farage.

Farage è l’alleato alll’Europarlamento dei Cinquestelle.

E questo è il discorso ultimo di Jo Cox, pochi giorni, lo pubblica l’Independent:

“In the final days of the EU referendum campaign, the issue of immigration will high on the agenda of many voters.

Let me be clear from the start: it’s fine to be concerned about immigration – many people are.

This doesn’t mean to say they are racist or xenophobic – they are simply concerned about pressures on GP surgeries or schools, or how once familiar town centres are changing, or whether they’ll be able to compete with migrant workers to get a job.

Most people recognise that there are positive sides of migration too. Whether it is providing the skilled workers we need for our economy, or the amazing doctors and nurses from abroad who help run our health service, the UK has reaped the benefits from immigration.

But I strongly believe that concerns about immigration – as legitimate as they are – are not a reason to vote for Brexit. This is why:

First, because leaving the EU won’t solve the problem. Over half of all migrants to Britain come from outside the EU, and the result of this referendum will do nothing to bring these numbers down.

In fact, the leaders of the Vote Leave campaign have been promising that Brexit will allow Government to actually increase the amount of immigration from outside the EU, opening up a whole new tier of immigration to fill short-term vacancies.

The Leave campaign has also already agreed that all EU migrants who are here legally should be able to stay in Britain even if we vote out. That’s the right thing to do – but it’s important that voters are not under any false illusion that a vote to leave would reduce the number of European migrants currently in Britain.


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