Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

A Londra manifestazione contro i bombardamenti in Siria davanti a Downing Street

Nessun cenno in Italia? Eppure sabato a Londra si è svolta una manifestazione contro I bombardamenti in Siria davanti a Downing Street. Tra i presenti anche il musicista Brian Eno. I contrari alla guerra e ai bombardamenti contano sul “no” dei laburisti. Presto see discuterà in Parlamento. Ecco l’articolo del Guardian del 28.11.15:

Thousands protest against Syria air strikes as Stop the War Coalition marches on London

Britain is already involved in air strikes against ISIS in Iraq

Shehab Khan


8 hours  ago



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Thousands of people have taken to the streets of London to protest against Britain joining the bombing campaign against Isis in Syria.

The demonstration was one of many across the country organised by the Stop The War Coalition protest movement.

Many famous faces were present as actor Mark Rylance and musician Brian Eno handed a letter to Downing Street urging David Cameron not to bomb Syria

Britain is already involved in air strikes against Isis in Iraq and Mr Cameron is pushing for military action in Syria. Government ministers have been urged to phone members of the opposition to get them to support air strikes, after Jeremy Corbyn openly opposed the proposals.


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The Labour party leader, who is a lifelong pacifist, has written to MPs saying he opposes action, despite some in his shadow cabinet expressing their support for the Prime Minister’s proposals.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell pushed for a free vote saying MPs should be allowed to make their own judgement.

Parliament is expected to vote on the issue next week.

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