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Gerusalemme, attacco terroristico in una sinagoga: quattro morti, molti feriti, Hamas plaude. Due terroristi palestinesi uccisi. Netanyahu attacca Abu Mazen. Una lunga scia di sangue porta lo scontro dentro Israele

Quattro israeliani morti, parecchi feriti di cui quattro gravi, due terroristi palestinesi uccisi: è il bilancio di un nuovo attentato a Gerusalemme contro la popolazione civile, salutato da Hamas con parole di aperto sostegno. Colpita di primo mattino  una sinagoga nel sobborgo di  Har Nof, in Shimon Agassi Street,  poco distante dallo Yad Vashem nella zona della Jerusalem Forest.  Gli assalitori, secondo la polizia provenienti da Gerusalemme Est (la parte araba), hanno attaccato gli inermi fedeli della sinagoga a colpi di coltello, ascia ed armi da fuoco. Netanyahau promette “mano dura”. E attacca oltre ad Hamas anche Abu Mazen che sarebbe secondo Netanyahu un incitatore alla violenza,

L’attentato segue una scia di attentati compiuti con auto lanciate su fermate di autobus e con veri e propri assassini all’arma bianca, con un bilancio di sei civili morti. Palestinesi sono stati a loro volta trovati morti: domenica a Gerusalemme Est dove è stato trovato morto  un autista di autobus (un suicidio per la polizia, ma medici palestinesi hanno sostenuto tesi diverse). Una moschea è stata oggetto di un attentato vicino a Ramallah sei giorni fa.

“ A mosque near Ramallah was burned – ha scritto The Times of Israel il 12 novembre- in a possible attack by extremist Israeli settlers, Palestinian officials said Wednesday morning, while a historic synagogue in an Arab-Israeli town was attacked with a Molotov cocktail”.

In precedenza un palestinese era stato ucciso dalla polizia nei pressi di Haifa.

Si è aperto dunque un nuovo fronte del terrore che sta prendendo corpo in Israele e che porta nuovi lutti allontanando ipotesi di pace. I signori del terrore stanno lanciando nuovi kamikaze contro i civili israeliani e altri bersagli palestinesi sono oggetto di attacchi da parte di coloni come si presume a Ramallah e della polizia come è avvenuto ad Haifa. Un orrore senza fine.

Qui di seguito le notizie di oggi dal sito online di Haaretz:

Four killed in Jerusalem synagogue terror attack

Netanyahu convenes Security Cabinet meeting, says Israel will respond with ‘heavy hand;’ police kill two assailants at the scene, believe third suspect is on the loose; several worshipers injured, four in serious condition.

By , , and  | Nov. 18, 2014 | 9:50 AM

Four Israelis were killed and several others wounded in a terror attack on Tuesday morning in a synagogue in the western Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof.

Two assailants were killed at the scene by police, with a third possibly on the loose in the area.

Eight people were wounded in the assault, including four seriously, two moderately and two lightly. Magen David Adom ambulances administered first aid to the wounded before evacuating them to hospitals in the city. Five were taken to Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, and the rest to Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

The shooting occured at the Kehillat Bnei Torah synagogue on Shimon Agassi St.

Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said two assailants entered the synagogue on Tuesday with knives, axes and guns and attacked worshipers. The attackers were killed in a shootout with police.

Samri said the attackers were Palestinians from East Jerusalem.

Large police forces are at the scene of the attack, and Palestinians reported that several police were in the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of Silwan and Jabal Mukaber.

Eliyahu Rotenberg, who resides near the synagogue, described what he witnessed of the attack. “We heard the sirens (of police vehicles) and I went outside and saw police taking cover and shooting. Many shots were fired and I saw one of the police get wounded and the terrorists being killed.”

Following the attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a Security Cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister’s Bureau, to be held this afternoon.

Netanyahu said incitement by Hamas and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas motivated attacks on Jews. “This is a direct result of the incitement lead by Hamas and Abu Mazen (Abbas), incitement that the international community irresponsibly ignores.

“We will respond with a firm hand to this brutal murder of Jews who went to pray and were scathed by despicable murder.”

Hamas praised Tuesday morning’ attack, describing it as “a quality development in the confrontation with the Israeli occupation.”

“The organization welcomes the terror attack, an appropriate and functional response to the crimes of the occupation,” the Gaza-based group added.

The violence comes amid high tensions in the city, with a wave of attacks by Palestinians on Israelis killing at least six people in recent weeks. On Sunday night, a Palestinian man was found dead in East Jerusalem in a bus he drove for Israeli bus company Egged. News of his death sparked protests in various Palestinian neighborhoods. Police said an autopsy indicated the man comitted suicide by hanging, while a Palestinian pathologist suspected foul play.


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