Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

Orrore a Gerusalemme Est: sedicenne palestinese sequestrato e ucciso, il corpo è stato bruciato

Orrore a Gerusalemme. Un ragazzo palestinese di 16 anni ucciso, il suo corpo è stato poi bruciato. Il giovane – non è stato fatto neanche il suo nome – è stato bloccato mentre andava a pregare all’alba in una moschea nell’area di Beit Hanina a Gerusalemme Est, ed è stato costretto a salire in un’automobile di colore nero. Il suo corpo è stato trovato bruciato un’ora dopo in un bosco fuori città. Ecco Haartez cosa scrive:

Police found a body in a forest west of Jerusalem, early on Wednesday morning. A large police force is present on the scene.

Jerusalem police received a report earlier in the night that that a man was forced onto a vehicle near the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina. A missing persons report was also filed. The link between the incidents has not yet been corroborated but the father of the missing child was taken by the police to identify the body.

The police are blocking the entrances to Beit Hanina and stopped the light rail to that part of the city. Hundreds assembled by the home of the missing Palestinian teenager. The family of the Palestinian teen is vehemently denying the rumors that he was kidnapped by Palestinians due to a feud between families, claiming that they aren’t involved in a feud.

Palestinian claims that the man was killed by Israelis are uncorroborated as of yet. Still mobs of Israeli extremists protested in Jerusalem on Tuesday calling for revenge for the murder of the Israeli teens. Five Palestinians were attacked, and two of them needed medical treatment. The extremists were engaged in violent confrontations with police in the capital’s center for several hours. 50 people suspected of involvement in the incidents were arrested.

Fermare questa barbarie.


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