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Casi di peste bubbonica nelle prigioni del Madagascar

Brutte notizie dal Madagascar: peste bubbonica nelle prigioni del paese, dove – riporta l’Huffington Post inglese – nel 2012 si riportano 256 casi di peste bubbonica di cui 60 mortali, il numero più alto al mondo. Ecco l’articolo dell’Huffington Post Uk (nella foto la capitale Antananarivo dall’alto):

Madagascar Faces Bubonic Plague Epidemic, Experts Warn As Cases Of

‘Black Death’ Rise

The Huffington Post UKPosted: 10/10/2013 10:20 BST |  Updated: 10/10/2013 20:57 BST

Madagascar faces an epidemic of bubonic plague, the deadly scourge that wiped out half of Europe during the Middle Ages, experts have shockingly warned.

Charities have said prisoners in the island’s notoriously dirty jails are most at risk but an outbreak could easily spread to the population at large.

The Red Cross and Pasteur Institute today warned that if the plague gets into prisons there could be a “atomic explosion of plague” within the town, the BBC reported.

“The prison walls will never prevent the plague from getting out and invading the rest of the town,” said the institute’s Christophe Rogier.

“A prison is not a sealed place,” he told the BBC.

Madagascar had 256 plague cases and 60 deaths last year, the world’s highest recorded number, BBC News reported.


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