Informazioni che faticano a trovare spazio

Studenti in piazza a Istanbul e Ankara contro il fondamentalismo islamico del governo

Turchia, manifestazioni studentesche a Istanbul e Ankara contro l’integralismo islamico governativo. Ilo resoconto di Al Arabiya 28.1.2011:

Students demonstrating against Turkey’s Islamist-rooted conservative government on Thursday clashed with riot police in Istanbul and Ankara.

Police dispersed about 100 students in Ankara with tear gas and water cannon, with students responding by pelting police with stones.

There was a similar confrontation in Istanbul where police also used batons to clear the students, television footage showed.

The two demonstrations targeted Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whom the students accuse of refusing to engage in a dialogue with them.

Students in Turkey have been staging demonstrations since November when 18 were sentenced to 15-month suspended sentences for demonstrating against Erdogan in 2008.

Several of the protests have been put down violently by police.

Student anger at the government has also grown since a heavy-handed police response to protests in Istanbul and Ankara last month unleashed a torrent of criticism against the government.

On Dec. 4, baton-wielding officers hit and kicked left-wing students who were gathering in Istanbul to demonstrate against Erdogan, causing one young pregnant woman to miscarry.

Erdogan defended the police, accusing the students of links to underground groups and blasting extensive media coverage of the events.

Students demonstrating against Turkey’s Islamist-rooted conservative government on Thursday clashed with riot police in Istanbul and Ankara.

Police dispersed about 100 students in Ankara with tear gas and water cannon, with students responding by pelting police with stones.

There was a similar confrontation in Istanbul where police also used batons to clear the students, television footage showed.

The two demonstrations targeted Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whom the students accuse of refusing to engage in a dialogue with them.

Students in Turkey have been staging demonstrations since November when 18 were sentenced to 15-month suspended sentences for demonstrating against Erdogan in 2008.

Several of the protests have been put down violently by police.

Student anger at the government has also grown since a heavy-handed police response to protests in Istanbul and Ankara last month unleashed a torrent of criticism against the government.

On Dec. 4, baton-wielding officers hit and kicked left-wing students who were gathering in Istanbul to demonstrate against Erdogan, causing one young pregnant woman to miscarry.

Erdogan defended the police, accusing the students of links to underground groups and blasting extensive media coverage of the events.


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