Israele. L’Idf, l’esercito israeliano ha ucciso due guerriglieri palestinesi che stavano collocando fuori del confine di Gaza esplosivi. Intanto decine di migliaia di israeliani sono andati in visita al monte Carmelo, ad Haifa, devastato dal furioso incendio di poco tempo fa. L’articolo da Haaretz del 216.12.2010:
Tens of thousands of Israelis visit site of Carmel fire
Nature and Parks Authority announces the reopening on hiking trails in the Carmel Hills region, which three weeks ago suffered Israel’s worst-ever forest fire.
By Haaretz Service and Fadi Eyadat
Tens of thousands of Israelis on Saturday visited the Carmel hills region, which only three weeks ago suffered the worst forest fire in Israeli history.
Heavy traffic was reported on Saturday afternoon in the area between Beit Oren junction and Damon junction.
Visitors came to see with their own eyes the site where 44 people died when a bus carrying Prison Service cadets got caught in the flames on December 2.
The Nature and Parks Authority announced on Saturday the reopening of hiking trails in the Carmel hills region. The trails had been closed due to the damage caused by the fire.