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Egitto: rilasciate il blogger Karim Amer

Egitto: rilasciate il blogger incarcerato Karim Amer

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Da tre anni dura l’incarcerazione in Egitto del blogger Karim Amer che nel febbraio 2007 è stato condannato a quattro anni di prigione per aver pubblicato su internet materiale critico dell’Islam e del presidente Mubarak. 
Questo l’appello di Amnesty International:
“The then 23-year-old former al-Azhar University student was sentenced on 22 February 2007 and the Court of Appeal confirmed the sentence on 12 March of the same year. Amnesty International described the sentence as yet another slap in the face of freedom of expression in Egypt. 
Karim Amer is serving his sentence in Alexandria’s Borg Al-Arab Prison. He was first held together with petty criminals, and said in a letter to one of his lawyers that he was beaten on 24 October 2007. 
He said he was punched and kicked by a prisoner and a prison guard under the supervision of a prison officer. 
One of his teeth was broken and he was badly bruised. 
He was then taken to a disciplinary cell and beaten again, this time handcuffed and with his legs bound, by the same two men on the orders of the same prison officer. 
Amnesty International considers Karim Amer to be a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned on account of the peaceful expression of his views. 
The organization condemned the four-year sentence he received and calls for his immediate and unconditional release”.


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