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Assange, cherchez les femmes: Anna Ardin, “Jessica” Sofia Wilén…

Cherchez la femme. Anzi, les femmes. Stupro. Non stupro. Donne che denunciano una violenza.Oppure agents provocatrices? Addirittura agenti dei servizi? Sull’arresto di Assange se ne dicono di tutti i colori. All’insegna del vecchio “cherchez la femme”. Nel web non c’è che l’imbarazzo della ricerca. Il sito è molto informato sugli incontri svedesi di Julian Assange. Si concentra come molti altri siti web sulle due donne,  Anna Ardin (a sinistra) e Sofia Wilén (a destra)chiamata anche Jessica, una fotografa 26 enne. La prima è della cittadina Gavle, la seconda  conosciuta anche come la ragazza dal golfino rosa è di Enkoping, altra cittadina svedese. Sono le due giovani donne con cui Assange avrebbe fatto sesso non protetto, reato in Svezia equiparato allo stupro. A proposito di Gavle. municipio della Ardin: lì è nato anche Joe Hill,   si chiamava Joel Emmanuel Hägglund,nato in Svezia  il 17 ottobre 1879 e poi ammazzato negli States a Salt Lake City, il 19 novembre 1915, anarcosindacalista (era uno dei wobblies) fatto fuori al termine di un  processo farsa un po’ prima di quello analogo di Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Joe Hill è stato cantato da Joan Baez, a Woodstock, e ha ispirato Bob Dylan per “I dreamed I saw St Augustine”. Fine della digressione.

Sulla malcapitata Anna Ardin di Gavle, con appartamento ora a Stoccolma e un’università alle spalle ad Uppsala,  il web pullula di storie e citazioni. Una serie di storie, come rileva la Stampa, che parte dalla condanna di alcune icone no-global come Naomi Wolf e perfino Women against rape per arrivare a Naomi Klein (“la Ardin è una ragazza capricciosa ingaggiata dall’America per giustificare l’arresto di Assange”). Più spicci i cubani (per il quotidiano di stato Granma la Ardin è “una collaboratrice della Cia”), a Cuba dove l’Ardin si sarebbe peraltro laureata la accusano di contatti con i dissidenti, voce raccolta anche dal Miami Herald.

In passato la ragazza ha viaggiato molto, Argentina, Cuba, Medio Oriente. Già addetta stampa del gruppo cristiano Brotherhood Movement, vanta un passato da militante nella Ong Olof Palmer Center. Secondo il bloggero statunbitense Mac McKinney, la Ardin dopo la nottata con Assange aveva postato due commenti entusiastici si Twitter-Il primo a caldo, il 14 agosto: «E’ la persona più cool del mondo». Poi subito dopo: “E’ fantastico”. La denuncia per molestie è scattata solo una settimana più tardi, e i tweets sono scomparsi. Perché? E’ qui che le voci si scatenano. «E’ chiaro, a quel punto sono entrati in gioco i servizi segreti», scrive il blog AllVoices.

Ultimo tasssello: l’Ardin, voce non confermata, avrebbe un fratello  militare in Afghanistan. E nel. caso?

Secondo il sito australiano Crikey, la ragazza ora, dopo aver rotto i rapporti con l’avvocato Claes Borgstrom che  ha avviato le denunce, si sarebbe trasferita in Cisgiordania nell’ambito di un’iniziativa cristiana per portare la pace tra israeliani e palestinesi. Anna Ardin si troverebbe ora a Yanoun, un paesino vicino alla contestata barriera di separazione tra stato ebraico e Territori.

Ma intanto quialk è la verità delle nmotti di Assange in Svezia nella scorsa estate? La ricostruzione dei giorni svedesi di Assange fatta da la vede così: in sintesi Assange viene invitato dalla Ardin a un meeting, poi dopo una cenetta as bzase di artropodi viene ospitato a casa sua con nottata in comune (funestata da un condom rotto). Dopodiché al meeting Assange incontra la ragazza dal golfino rosa, amica della Ardin, e se va a casa di lei dove fanno sesso prima protetto e poi al mattino non protetto. Qualche giorno dopo le due donne, coalizzate, lo denunciano. Ecco sulla vicenda, compresi alcuni commenti.:

“Sweden’s Anna Ardin – ricapitola – is the alleged woman who accused Julian Assange of rape or assault. Anna Ardin is the secretary and press spokeswoman for Brotherhood Movement, a group in Sweden.Ardin’s group had invited Assange to Stockholm, Sweden to give a talk earlier in August. Ardin was a travel co-ordinater for Assange, as she tried to get places for Assange to stay, as he had to remain secretive, while on the run from the authorities who wish to apprehend him.

Anna Ardin has gone into hiding since she was identified by the Swedish press as a possible plaintiff in the police report. Ardin was a former university research assistant.

What is the story behind Anna Ardin, “Jessica” and Julian Assange?

Ardin was described as a pretty blond with radical feminist opinions. Ardin was a seasoned traveler and activist in some causes.

Ardin worked at the University as a research assistant. She enjoyed a high post and power as the protégée of a militant feminist academic. Ardin was also a fervent fighter against male discrimination, specializing in sexual harassment.

Ardin allegedly told Assange he could stay at her apartment in Stockholm, as she would be away, until the day of the seminar, when Assange was scheduled to give a talk. Assange arrived in Stockholm on August 11, 2010.

Ardin returned home to Stockholm 24 hours ealier than she had told Assange. She met him at her apartment, and allowed him to continue staying there.

Ardin and Assange went out for dinner. Later that night, they shared intimacy. Ardin allegedly claimed his condom broke. The following day was Saturday.

Assange went to his seminar at the Swedish trade union headquarters. He met a woman in a pink sweater. She was a council employee from Enkoping. She is nicknamed Jessica.

Assange and Jessica shared lunch with a group of his friends. Later, he returned to Ardin’s flat.

Assange and Jessica arranged to meet on Monday. They went to her apartment in Enkoping and slept together. Monday night, he used a condom for protection. On Tuesday morning, he allegedly refused to wear a rubber.

Jessica called up Ardin on the phone and disclosed to her she had sex with Assange. Ardin shared some details with her and confided in her that she had also had sex with Assange.

Ardin and Jessica mulled over for some time until they decided to file a police complaint against Assange on Friday, Aug 20, 2010. The female police officer thought that a sabotaged condom that broke and another incident of a refusal to wear a condom was suspicious. There were some doubts as to whether a sexual assault and a rape had taken place.

Anna Ardin used to share her writings on her website online but after her name was mentioned in the initial press reports, she went “underground”. She removed and restricted access to her writings.

It seemed the women were afraid of contacting HIV and wanted Assange to submit himself for a test.

Both women were friendly with Assange even after their sexual intimacies. Would a woman be on good terms with her rapist after the fact? That was when people shot holes in the story of rape and sex assault.

Some media suggested the women had regrets after they learned Assange had been double dating and two timing them in close proximity. Then they had fears Assange could be promiscuous. They associated promiscuity with unsafe sex and the HIV virus. They wanted Assange to get tested for Aids to set their fears free. So they hatched up the plan to report a rape.

Some media suggested the condom was sabotaged, which was why it leaked.

In Sweden, unprotected sex may be subjected to persecution under the law, as it can be classified as rape. In the case of the second woman, who claimed Assange refused to wear a condom, it may constitute as rape under Swedish law.

Assange has defended himself, saying he had consensual sex with the women.

Some reports have identified the second woman as Sofia Wilen.

Sofia Wilen with a man named Seth.

What is the story with the second woman called Woman B or Jessica or whatever?

Woman B met Julian Assange at his seminar at the trade union headquarters. She knew about Assange from some TV news. She volunteered to help out at the seminar by contacting the Brotherhood Movement, but they didn’t accept her offer. Woman B went to attend the seminar and took many pictures of Assange.

During the seminar, Woman B met Ann Ardin. After the seminar concluded, Woman B got herself invited to Assange’s entourage who went out for lunch together.

At the restaurant, Assange placed his arm around her, according to a statement she gave to police. After the meal the entourage broke up, leaving Assange and Woman B alone. The couple went to watch a movie called “Deep Sea”. She said Assange started to share intimacy with her. They went to a park but didn’t stay there blong because Assange had to return to Ardin’s apartment in Stockholm, where a “crayfish” party was being held in his honor. The crayfish was a Swedish traditional party with plenty of drinks flowing.

On Monday, August 16, Assange arranged to see Woman B in Stockholm. He had no cash but refused to use his credit card for fear he would be tracked. So Woman B paid for his train ticket to Enkoping, where her apartment was.
On Monday, Woman B claimed she had protected sex with Assange. The following day was Tuesday, August 17, when he refused to wear a rubber. They went out for breakfast.

Later, Woman B bought a return train ticket for Assange to take a train back to Stockholm. She began to have misgivings on Assange and called up Ardin. She confided in Ardin. The latter realized she had been cheated. Ardin called up Assange and asked him to leave her apartment. He refused, saying he would leave on Friday, August 20.

Wednesday and Thursday passed. On Friday, Aug 20, Ardin accompanied Woman B to a police station to make a report. The police officer called the duty prosecuting attorney, Maria Kjellstrand. Kjellstrand wanted to level a rape charge on Assange.

On Sat, Aug 21, the allegations of rape were published by the newspapers. The chief prosecutor dismissed

On Sun, Aug 22, Ardin spoke up saying the consensual sex became abuse when her wish was not respected.

Ardin and Woman B consulted Claes Borgstrom, who worked to reopen the case. By September 2010, Sweden had forwarded to Interpol, a request for a

n arrest warrant on Assange.

Anna Ardin

Aug 22 2010 – The Swedish prosecutor has withdrawn the arrest warrant for Julian Assange, saying the accusation was unfounded. Less than 24 hours after the warrant was issued, the police rescinded their order of arrest, or rescinded a charge, for Assange, saying the accusation was unfounded. 0 – The Swedes have a warrant of arrest for Julian Assange. The Swedish authorities said Assange is accused of molestation and rape. There was also an unconfirmed charge pf possible assault on a woman. Swedish police are on a manhunt for Assange. He was in Sweden last week but his e

However, there remains a charge of molest or assault, which may require further action.

August 21 201xact whereabouts have often been clouded in mystery.

Wikileaks’ twitter had a tweet saying they were warned to expect dirty tricks. The poster claimed those in Assange’s camp were not contacted by the police.

Jul 27 2010:

Julian Assange, the boss behind Wikileaks, had his own personal tragedy which turned his brown hair white. Julian Assange was born in 1971, in Australia. When Assange’s girlfriend gave birth to a child, he wanted to get custody of the kid.

Assange fought a long and futile battle in the courts for custody and lost. The sum total of Assange’s experiences may have embittered him to all forms of authority. T

hat could have been the premises for his desire to expose information.

Julian Assange was once so concerned for his mental health that he checked himself into hospital for treatment.

Assange may not be motiva

ted by greed as he reportedly traveled light with only a backpack containing some hard drives, cell phones and his personal essentials like clean socks. Assange depended on the generosity of his friends and like minded social activists to offer him shelter and protection.

Julian Assange

Julian Assange, July 2010.

Article was posted on Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 at 4:53 am under Julian Assange.)

6 Responses to “Julian Assange & Anna Ardin: Anna Ardin & Assange updates (photos)”

  1. Thandi Says:
    August 26th, 2010 at 4:52 am

Anna is a member of the Christian Democrat Brotherhood Movement- her charge is not exactly christian is it!

  1. Franko Says:
    September 2nd, 2010 at 5:02 am

No No No — Yes Yes Yes — go and buy a condom first ?
At what point did No actually mean No ?
Anna and Julian should have signed a pre sex agreement

  1. Sonoban Says:
    December 4th, 2010 at 9:52 am

I will rather preffer to have sex with a goat then with Anna Ardin. This woman is cheap.Decadents are those rich.

  1. Hahaha Says:
    December 5th, 2010 at 2:31 am

Gee! She’s not even attractive.

  1. Freedom of speech Says:
    December 7th, 2010 at 5:22 pm

Behind the alleged sex scandal which attempts to discredit the Wikileaks web site owner whose revelations are scaring the State Department, is a Cuban “collaborator” and CIA agent linked to Carlos Alberto Montaner, who became known in the past for his activism “anti-Castro”
After leaving Cuba, Anna Ardin became known for his vitriolic literature web sites funded by USAID and managed by the CIA, such as Misceleanas of Cuba, Cuban-owned by Alexis Gainza Solenzal.
From Gainza’s help and U.S. intelligence agent, Ardin morphed into “expert” media such as Dagens Nyheter Swedish and SVT. Then she got involved in the ruling Social-Democratic Party.
In 2007, she founded the “gay” club Queer-klubb Feber of Gotland, a Swedish island situated 60 kilometers from the coast.
Born in Havana, Alexis Gainza, Ardin’s mentor, is living in Sweden since 1991 (in Stockholm, since 1993) and found a lucrative market in the Scandinavian world of disinformation.
He has the franchise for this territory of the Cuban Liberal Union of the old agent Carlos Alberto Montaner, a terrorist fugitive from Cuban justice.
Gainza is also linked to the German International Society for Human Rights, “better known by its German acronym IGFM – Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM). With known ties to German and American intelligence, the IGFM kept in their ranks former Nazis, as the jurist Martin Ludwig and former military Dieter von Glahn.
The current spokesman and president of the IGFM, Martin Lessenthin, works closely with the Venezuelan party “Primero Justicia” was involved in the 2002 coup attempt and is currently owned by the terrorist Alejandro Pena Esclusa.
“Primero Justicia” is the main partner in Venezuela, of the International Republican Institute, a right-wing organization subsidized by the National Endowment for Democracy.

  1. Here Says:
    December 8th, 2010 at 1:46 pm

For anyone living through the 80s, a radical feminist backlash attack on Assange is enough of an explanation for his troubles. Interesting that having “issues with women” is grounds for character assassination, but as we know, these are tactics of radical feminists.

You need not pull in Cuba and the CIA to account for this attack to find credible motivation for it, although the near fascistic coordination of disinformation against Assange in the USA by major media does seem to imply higher order coordination. The willingness to say and print half truths and lies is truly extraordinary. Disinformation is being used like drone aircraft. Assange has got someone’s number, maybe it’s the banksters, which would imply the banksters have got Obama’s number.

In conclusione la ricostruzione e le accuse vanno prese ovviamente con le molle. E se alla fin fine Julian Assange – oggi difeso perfino da Putin – non fosse altro che un mediocre e squallido  approfittatore di donne? In fin dei conti gli hacker finora, prima di wikileaks e nel mondo dei virus informatici, non erano mai stati troppo simpatici e corretti. Periò su Assange e le donne che lo accusano, in assenza di carte precise e certe, non c’è che da sospendere il giudizio…



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